wGui::CApplication | A class for encapsulating an application |
wGui::CBitmapFileResourceHandle | |
wGui::CBitmapResourceHandle | |
wGui::CButton | The button will generate CTRL_xCLICK messages when clicked with the mouse (where x is the button L,M,R) |
wGui::CCheckBox | A checkbox control |
wUtil::CConfigStore | CConfigStore allows settings to be stored and read from common text files |
wGui::CCursorResourceHandle | CCursorResourceHandle is a resource handle for mouse cursors |
wGui::CDropDown | The CDropDown will generate CTRL_VALUECHANGE messages every time the text changes |
wGui::CEditBox | The CEditBox will generate CTRL_VALUECHANGE messages every time the text changes |
wGui::CFontEngine | |
wGui::CFrame | Frames are windows within a view that have their own window management controls |
wGui::CFrameDialog | A standard file selection dialog |
wGui::CGroupBox | A GroupBox is really just a fancier label that includes a box |
wGui::CKeyboardMessage | Any messages generated from keyboard input |
wGui::CLabel | A static label that renders it's WindowText to the screen |
wGui::CListBox | A simple listbox class |
wUtil::CLog | CLog Provides basic logging functionality |
wUtil::CLog::SLogEntry | A log entry struct |
wGui::CMenu | A standard application level menu |
wGui::CMenuBase | The menu base class |
wGui::CMenuBase::s_MenuItemInfo | A struct containing the menu item with some cached data |
wGui::CMessage | The base message class |
wGui::CMessageBox | The CMessageBox class is a simple class that brings up a modal dialog box with a message and waits for user input |
wGui::CMessageClient | |
wGui::CMessageServer | A server which queues and dispatches messages |
wGui::CMouseMessage | Any messages generated from mouse input |
wGui::CPainter | Painter objects take care of all the actual drawing functions needed to draw to an SDL surface |
wGui::CPicture | A picture control |
wGui::CPictureButton | Picture Buttons are pushbuttons that display a bitmap in place of a text label |
wGui::CPoint | CPoint defines a point in cartestian (X, Y) space |
wGui::CPopupMenu | Popup menus are used for both context menus, and as the popups when a CMenu item is clicked that has a submenu |
wGui::CProgress | A progress bar display |
wGui::CRadioButton | A radio button |
wGui::CRangeControl< T > | |
wGui::CRect | A representation of a rectangle |
wGui::CRenderedString | |
wGui::CResourceHandle | |
wGui::CRGBColor | The CRGBColor class is used for all wGui representations of color |
wGui::CScrollBar | A scroll bar |
wGui::CSDLMessage | Any otherwise unhandled SDL messages |
wGui::CStringResourceHandle | CStringResourceHandle is a resource handle for strings |
wGui::CTextBox | The CTextBox will generate CTRL_VALUECHANGE messages every time the text changes |
wGui::CTimer | CTimer will post a CTRL_TIMER message every time the timer expires |
wGui::CToolBar | Toolbars support CButton derived controls |
wGui::CToolTip | |
wGui::CValueMessage< T > | |
wGui::CView | A general view class |
wGui::CwgBitmapResourceHandle | Resource handle class for the internal wGui bitmap resources |
wGui::CwgCursorResourceHandle | Resource handle class for the internal wGui cursor resources |
wGui::CwgStringResourceHandle | Resource handle class for the internal wGui string resources |
wGui::CWindow | A base class with all the basic properties needed by a window |
wGui::Duplicate_APP_PAINT | A functor for finding duplicate APP_PAINT messages |
wGui::s_MessageClientActive | A struct that associates message client pointers with a flag that indicates if the client has recieved a particular message |
wGui::SListItem | A listbox item |
wGui::SMenuItem | The structure used to represent menu items |
wGui::Wg_Ex_App | General wGui errors |
wGui::Wg_Ex_Base | All wGui exception classes are derived from here |
wGui::Wg_Ex_FreeType | Exceptions caused by FreeType errors |
wGui::Wg_Ex_Range | Exceptions caused by out-of-range type errors |
wGui::Wg_Ex_SDL | Exceptions caused by SDL errors |