
00001 // wg_editbox.cpp
00002 //
00003 // CEditBox class implementation
00004 //
00005 //
00006 // Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Rob Wiskow
00007 // rob-dev@boxedchaos.com
00008 //
00009 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
00010 // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
00011 // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
00012 // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
00013 //
00014 // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00015 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00017 // Lesser General Public License for more details.
00018 //
00019 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
00020 // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
00021 // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
00022 //
00025 #include "wgui_include_config.h"
00026 #include "wg_editbox.h"
00027 #include "wg_message_server.h"
00028 #include "wg_application.h"
00029 #include "wg_timer.h"
00030 #include "wg_error.h"
00031 #include "wg_view.h"
00032 #include "wutil_debug.h"
00033 #include "std_ex.h"
00034 #include <string>
00036 namespace wGui
00037 {
00039 CEditBox::CEditBox(const CRect& WindowRect, CWindow* pParent, CFontEngine* pFontEngine) :
00040      CWindow(WindowRect, pParent),
00041      m_SelStart(0),
00042      m_SelLength(0),
00043      m_DragStart(0),
00044      m_ScrollOffset(0),
00045      m_bReadOnly(false),
00046      m_bMouseDown(false),
00047      m_bUseMask(false),
00048      m_bLastMouseMoveInside(false),
00049      m_bDrawCursor(true)
00050 {
00051      m_BackgroundColor = COLOR_WHITE;
00052      m_ClientRect.Grow(-4);
00053      if (pFontEngine)
00054      {
00055           m_pFontEngine = pFontEngine;
00056      }
00057      else
00058      {
00059           m_pFontEngine = CApplication::Instance()->GetDefaultFontEngine();
00060      }
00061      m_pDblClickTimer = new CTimer();
00062      m_pCursorTimer = new CTimer(this);
00063      std::auto_ptr<CRenderedString> pRenderedString(new CRenderedString(
00064           m_pFontEngine, L"", CRenderedString::VALIGN_NORMAL, CRenderedString::HALIGN_LEFT));
00065      m_pRenderedString = pRenderedString;
00066      CMessageServer::Instance().RegisterMessageClient(this, CMessage::KEYBOARD_KEYDOWN);
00067      CMessageServer::Instance().RegisterMessageClient(this, CMessage::MOUSE_BUTTONUP);
00068      CMessageServer::Instance().RegisterMessageClient(this, CMessage::MOUSE_MOVE);
00069      CMessageServer::Instance().RegisterMessageClient(this, CMessage::CTRL_DOUBLELCLICK);
00070      CMessageServer::Instance().RegisterMessageClient(this, CMessage::CTRL_TIMER);
00071      CMessageServer::Instance().RegisterMessageClient(this, CMessage::CTRL_GAININGKEYFOCUS);
00072      CMessageServer::Instance().RegisterMessageClient(this, CMessage::CTRL_LOSINGKEYFOCUS);
00073      Draw();
00074 }
00077 CEditBox::~CEditBox(void)  // virtual
00078 {
00079      delete m_pCursorTimer;
00080      delete m_pDblClickTimer;
00081 }
00084 void CEditBox::SetReadOnly(bool bReadOnly)
00085 {
00086      m_BackgroundColor = bReadOnly ? COLOR_LIGHTGRAY : COLOR_WHITE;
00087      m_bReadOnly = bReadOnly;
00088      Draw();
00089 }
00092 std::wstring CEditBox::GetSelText(void) const
00093 {
00094      std::wstring sSelText = L"";
00095      if (m_SelLength != 0 && !m_bUseMask)
00096      {
00097                std::string::size_type SelStartNorm = 0;
00098                std::string::size_type SelLenNorm = 0;
00099                if (m_SelLength < 0)
00100                {
00101                     SelStartNorm   = m_SelLength + m_SelStart;
00102                     SelLenNorm = abs(m_SelLength);
00103                }
00104                else
00105                {
00106                     SelStartNorm   = m_SelStart;
00107                     SelLenNorm = m_SelLength;
00108                }
00109                sSelText = m_sWindowText.substr(SelStartNorm, SelLenNorm);
00110      }
00111      return sSelText;
00112 }
00115 void CEditBox::SetSelection(std::wstring::size_type iSelStart, int iSelLength)
00116 {
00117      if (iSelStart < m_sWindowText.length())
00118      {
00119           m_SelStart = iSelStart;
00120           if (iSelStart + iSelLength <= m_sWindowText.length())
00121                m_SelLength = iSelLength;
00122           else
00123                m_SelLength = stdex::safe_static_cast<int>(m_sWindowText.length() - iSelStart);
00124      }
00125      else
00126      {
00127           m_SelStart = 0;
00128           m_SelLength = 0;
00129      }
00130 }
00133 std::wstring::size_type CEditBox::GetIndexFromPoint(const CPoint& Point) const  // virtual
00134 {
00135      CPoint Offset;
00136      std::vector<CRect> CharRects;
00137      m_pRenderedString->GetMetrics(0, &Offset, &CharRects);
00138      CRect SubRect(m_WindowRect.SizeRect());
00139      SubRect.Grow(-3);
00140      std::wstring::size_type index = 0;
00141      CPoint BoundedPoint = Point;
00142      if (BoundedPoint.XPos() < SubRect.Left()) {
00143           BoundedPoint.SetX(SubRect.Left());
00144      }
00145      if (BoundedPoint.XPos() > SubRect.Right()) {
00146           BoundedPoint.SetX(SubRect.Right());
00147      }
00148      if (!CharRects.empty())
00149      {
00150           int xDelta = abs(BoundedPoint.XPos() - (CharRects.front().Left() + Offset.XPos() + SubRect.Left()));
00151           for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_pRenderedString->GetLength(); ++i)
00152           {
00153                if (abs(BoundedPoint.XPos() - (CharRects.at(i).Right() + Offset.XPos() + SubRect.Left() + m_ScrollOffset)) < xDelta)
00154                {
00155                     xDelta = abs(BoundedPoint.XPos() - (CharRects.at(i).Right() + Offset.XPos() + SubRect.Left() + m_ScrollOffset));
00156                     index = i + 1;
00157                }
00158           }
00159      }
00161      return index;
00162 }
00165 void CEditBox::Draw(void) const
00166 {
00167      CWindow::Draw();
00169      if (m_pSDLSurface)
00170      {
00171           CPainter Painter(m_pSDLSurface, CPainter::PAINT_REPLACE);
00172           CRect SubRect(m_WindowRect.SizeRect());
00173           SubRect.Grow(-3);
00174           Painter.DrawRect(m_WindowRect.SizeRect(), false, COLOR_BLACK);
00175           CPoint FontCenterPoint = m_WindowRect.SizeRect().Center();
00177           if (m_bUseMask)
00178           {
00179                m_pRenderedString->SetMaskChar(L'*');
00180           }
00181           else
00182           {
00183                m_pRenderedString->SetMaskChar(L' ');
00184           }
00186           CRGBColor FontColor = m_bReadOnly ? DEFAULT_DISABLED_LINE_COLOR : DEFAULT_LINE_COLOR;
00187           if (CApplication::Instance()->GetKeyFocus() == dynamic_cast<const CWindow*>(this) && !m_bReadOnly)
00188           {
00189                CPoint BoundedDims;
00190                CPoint Offset;
00191                std::vector<CRect> CharRects;
00192                m_pRenderedString->GetMetrics(&BoundedDims, &Offset, &CharRects);
00194                std::wstring::size_type SelStartNorm = 0;
00195                std::wstring::size_type SelLenNorm = abs(m_SelLength);
00196                if (m_SelLength < 0)
00197                {
00198                     SelStartNorm  = m_SelStart + m_SelLength;
00199                }
00200                else
00201                {
00202                     SelStartNorm  = m_SelStart;
00203                }
00205                // Handle scrolling
00206                // Patch  for "Scrolling while selecting to left in editbox" by Oldrich Dlouhy
00207                if (! m_bMouseDown)
00208                {
00209                     if (CharRects.empty() || BoundedDims.XPos() < SubRect.Width())
00210                     {
00211                          m_ScrollOffset = 0;
00212                     }
00213                     else
00214                     {
00215                          int iCursorPos = 0;
00216                          if (m_SelStart + m_SelLength >= CharRects.size())
00217                          {
00218                               iCursorPos = CharRects.back().Right() + Offset.XPos() + SubRect.Left() + m_ScrollOffset;
00219                          }
00220                          else
00221                          {
00222                               iCursorPos = CharRects.at(m_SelStart + m_SelLength).Left() + Offset.XPos() + SubRect.Left() + m_ScrollOffset;
00223                          }
00224                          if (iCursorPos < SubRect.Left())
00225                          {
00226                               m_ScrollOffset = -(iCursorPos - m_ScrollOffset - SubRect.Left() - Offset.XPos());
00227                          }
00228                          else if (iCursorPos > SubRect.Right())
00229                          {
00230                               m_ScrollOffset = -(iCursorPos - m_ScrollOffset - SubRect.Left() - Offset.XPos() - SubRect.Width() + 1);
00231                          }
00233                          if (m_ScrollOffset < 0 && (CharRects.back().Right() + Offset.XPos() + SubRect.Left() + m_ScrollOffset < SubRect.Right()))
00234                          {
00235                               m_ScrollOffset = SubRect.Right() - CharRects.back().Right() - 1;
00236                               if (m_ScrollOffset > 0)
00237                               {
00238                                    m_ScrollOffset = 0;
00239                               }
00240                          }
00241                     }
00242                }
00244                // Selection
00245                if (m_SelLength != 0)
00246                {
00247                     CRect SelRect;
00248                     SelRect.SetBottom(SubRect.Bottom());
00249                     SelRect.SetTop(SubRect.Top());
00250                     SelRect.SetLeft(CharRects.at(SelStartNorm).Left() + Offset.XPos() + SubRect.Left() + m_ScrollOffset);
00251                     SelRect.SetRight(CharRects.at(SelLenNorm + SelStartNorm - 1).Right() + Offset.XPos() + SubRect.Left() + m_ScrollOffset);
00252                     SelRect.ClipTo(SubRect);
00253                     Painter.DrawRect(SelRect, true, CApplication::Instance()->GetDefaultSelectionColor(), CApplication::Instance()->GetDefaultSelectionColor());
00254                }
00255                else if (m_bDrawCursor)
00256                {
00257                     //RenderStringWithCursor
00258                     int CursorPos = Offset.XPos() + SubRect.Left() + m_ScrollOffset;
00259                     if (m_SelStart + m_SelLength >= CharRects.size() && !CharRects.empty())
00260                     {
00261                          CursorPos += CharRects.back().Right();
00262                     }
00263                     else if (m_SelStart + m_SelLength >= 0 && m_SelStart + m_SelLength < CharRects.size())
00264                     {
00265                          CursorPos += CharRects.at(m_SelStart + m_SelLength).Left();
00266                     }
00267                     if (CursorPos >= SubRect.Left() && CursorPos <= SubRect.Right())
00268                     {
00269                          Painter.DrawVLine(SubRect.Top(), SubRect.Bottom(), CursorPos, COLOR_BLACK);
00270                     }
00271                }
00272           }
00274           if (m_pRenderedString.get())
00275           {
00276                m_pRenderedString->Draw(m_pSDLSurface, SubRect,
00277                     CPoint(SubRect.Left() + m_ScrollOffset, SubRect.Bottom() - m_pRenderedString->GetMaxFontHeight() / 4), FontColor);
00278           }
00279      }
00280 }
00283 void CEditBox::SetWindowText(const std::wstring& sText)
00284 {
00285      m_SelStart = 0;
00286      m_SelLength = 0;
00287      std::auto_ptr<CRenderedString> pRenderedString(new CRenderedString(
00288           m_pFontEngine, sText, CRenderedString::VALIGN_NORMAL, CRenderedString::HALIGN_LEFT));
00289      m_pRenderedString = pRenderedString;
00290      CWindow::SetWindowText(sText);
00291 }
00294 bool CEditBox::OnMouseButtonDown(CPoint Point, unsigned int Button)
00295 {
00296      bool bResult = CWindow::OnMouseButtonDown(Point, Button);
00298      CPoint WindowPoint(ViewToWindow(Point));
00299      if (!bResult && m_bVisible && (Button == CMouseMessage::LEFT) &&
00300           !m_bReadOnly && (m_ClientRect.HitTest(WindowPoint) == CRect::RELPOS_INSIDE))
00301      {
00302           bool fSkipCursorPositioning = false;
00303           //If we haven't initialized the double click timer, do so.
00304           if (!m_pDblClickTimer->IsRunning())
00305           {
00306                m_pDblClickTimer->StartTimer(500, false);
00307           }
00308           else
00309           {
00310                //Raise double click event
00311                //This message is being dispatched, but to where?
00312                CMessageServer::Instance().QueueMessage(new TIntMessage(CMessage::CTRL_DOUBLELCLICK, this, this, 0));
00313                m_pDblClickTimer->StopTimer();
00314                fSkipCursorPositioning = true;
00315           }
00316           if (CApplication::Instance()->GetKeyFocus() != this)
00317           {
00318                CApplication::Instance()->SetKeyFocus(this);
00319           }
00321           if (!fSkipCursorPositioning)
00322           {
00323                m_SelStart = GetIndexFromPoint(WindowPoint);
00324                m_DragStart = m_SelStart;
00325                m_SelLength = 0;
00326                m_bMouseDown = true;
00327                Draw();
00328                bResult = true;
00329           }
00330      }
00331      return bResult;
00332 }
00335 bool CEditBox::HandleMessage(CMessage* pMessage)
00336 {
00337      bool bHandled = false;
00338      CRect SubRect(m_WindowRect);
00339      SubRect.Grow(-3);
00341      if (pMessage)
00342      {
00343           switch(pMessage->MessageType())
00344           {
00345           case CMessage::CTRL_DOUBLELCLICK:
00346                if (pMessage->Destination() == this)
00347                {
00348                     //wUtil::Trace("Got the double click message!");
00349                     m_SelStart = 0;
00350                     m_SelLength = stdex::safe_static_cast<int>(m_sWindowText.length());
00351                     Draw();
00352                     bHandled = true;
00353                }
00354                break;
00355           case CMessage::MOUSE_BUTTONUP:
00356                m_bMouseDown = false;
00357                break;
00358           case CMessage::MOUSE_MOVE:
00359           {
00360                CMouseMessage* pMouseMessage = dynamic_cast<CMouseMessage*>(pMessage);
00361                if (pMouseMessage && m_bVisible && !m_bReadOnly)
00362                {
00363                     CPoint WindowPoint(ViewToWindow(pMouseMessage->Point));
00364                     //If the cursor is within the control then check to see if we've already
00365                     // set the cursor to the I Beam, if we have, don't do anything.  If we
00366                     // havent, set it to the ibeam.
00367                     //Else if it's outside the control and the I Beam cursor is set, set it
00368                     // back to a normal cursor.
00369                     CView* pView = GetView();
00370                     bool bHitFloating = pView && pView->GetFloatingWindow() && pView->GetFloatingWindow()->HitTest(pMouseMessage->Point);
00371                     if (m_ClientRect.HitTest(WindowPoint) == CRect::RELPOS_INSIDE && !bHitFloating && !m_bLastMouseMoveInside)
00372                     {
00373                          m_bLastMouseMoveInside = true;
00374                          CwgCursorResourceHandle IBeamHandle(WGRES_IBEAM_CURSOR);
00375                          CApplication::Instance()->SetMouseCursor(&IBeamHandle);
00376                     }
00377                     else if ((m_ClientRect.HitTest(WindowPoint) != CRect::RELPOS_INSIDE || bHitFloating) && m_bLastMouseMoveInside)
00378                     {
00379                          m_bLastMouseMoveInside= false;
00380                          CApplication::Instance()->SetMouseCursor();
00381                     }
00383                     if (m_bMouseDown)
00384                     {
00385                          std::wstring::size_type CursorPos = GetIndexFromPoint(WindowPoint);
00387                          if (CursorPos < m_DragStart)
00388                          {
00389                               m_SelLength = stdex::safe_static_cast<int>(m_DragStart) - stdex::safe_static_cast<int>(CursorPos);
00390                               m_SelStart = CursorPos;
00391                          }
00392                          else
00393                          {
00394                               m_SelStart = m_DragStart;
00395                               m_SelLength = stdex::safe_static_cast<int>(CursorPos) - stdex::safe_static_cast<int>(m_SelStart);
00396                          }
00397                          bHandled = true;
00398                          Draw();
00399                     }
00400                }
00401                break;
00402           }
00403           case CMessage::CTRL_TIMER:
00404                if (pMessage->Destination() == this && pMessage->Source() == m_pCursorTimer)
00405                {
00406                     //This redraws the whole control each time we want to show/not show the cursor, that's probably a bad idea.
00407                     if (m_SelLength == 0)
00408                     {
00409                          m_bDrawCursor = !m_bDrawCursor;
00410                          Draw();
00411                     }
00412                     bHandled = true;
00413                }
00414                break;
00415           case CMessage::CTRL_GAININGKEYFOCUS:
00416                if (pMessage->Destination() == this)
00417                {
00418                     m_pCursorTimer->StartTimer(750, true);
00419                     m_bDrawCursor = true;
00420                     Draw();
00421                     bHandled = true;
00422                }
00423                break;
00424           case CMessage::CTRL_LOSINGKEYFOCUS:
00425                if (pMessage->Destination() == this)
00426                {
00427                     m_pCursorTimer->StopTimer();
00428                     Draw();
00429                     bHandled = true;
00430                }
00431                break;
00432           case CMessage::KEYBOARD_KEYDOWN:
00433                if (m_bVisible)
00434                {
00435                     CKeyboardMessage* pKeyboardMessage = dynamic_cast<CKeyboardMessage*>(pMessage);
00436                     if (pKeyboardMessage && pMessage->Destination() == this && !m_bReadOnly)
00437                     {
00438                          std::wstring sBuffer = m_sWindowText;
00440                          switch(pKeyboardMessage->Key)
00441                          {
00442                          case SDLK_BACKSPACE:
00443                               if (m_SelLength > 0)
00444                               {
00445                                    SelDelete(&sBuffer);
00446                               }
00447                               else
00448                               {
00449                                    if (m_SelStart > 0)
00450                                    {
00451                                         sBuffer.erase(--m_SelStart, 1);
00452                                    }
00453                               }
00454                               break;
00456                          case SDLK_DELETE:
00457                               if (m_SelStart < sBuffer.length())
00458                               {
00459                                    if (m_SelLength > 0)
00460                                    {
00461                                         SelDelete(&sBuffer);
00462                                    }
00463                                    else
00464                                    {
00465                                         sBuffer.erase(m_SelStart, 1);
00466                                    }
00467                               }
00468                               break;
00470                          case SDLK_LEFT:
00471                               if (pKeyboardMessage->Modifiers & KMOD_SHIFT) //Shift modifier
00472                          {
00473                                    if (m_SelStart > 0)
00474                                    {
00475                                         if ((m_SelLength > 0) || ((m_SelStart - abs(m_SelLength)) > 0))
00476                                         {
00477                                              if (pKeyboardMessage->Modifiers & KMOD_CTRL)
00478                                              {
00479                                                   std::wstring::size_type pos = sBuffer.rfind(L" ", (m_SelStart + m_SelLength) - 1);
00480                                                   if (pos != std::string::npos)
00481                                                   {
00482                                                        m_SelLength = stdex::safe_static_cast<int>(pos) - stdex::safe_static_cast<int>(m_SelStart);
00483                                                   }
00484                                                   else
00485                                                   {
00486                                                        m_SelLength = stdex::safe_static_cast<int>(m_SelStart) * -1;
00487                                                   }
00488                                              }
00489                                              else
00490                                              {
00491                                                   m_SelLength--;
00492                                              }
00493                                         }
00494                                    }
00495                          }
00496                               else if (m_SelLength != 0)
00497                               {
00498                                    if (m_SelLength < 0)
00499                                    {
00500                                         m_SelStart = m_SelStart + m_SelLength;
00501                                    }
00502                                    m_SelLength = 0;
00504                               }
00505                               else if (m_SelStart > 0)
00506                               {
00507                                    if (pKeyboardMessage->Modifiers & KMOD_CTRL)
00508                                    {
00509                                         std::wstring::size_type pos = sBuffer.rfind(L" ", m_SelStart - 1);
00510                                         if (pos != std::string::npos)
00511                                         {
00512                                              m_SelStart = pos;
00513                                         }
00514                                         else
00515                                         {
00516                                              m_SelStart = 0;
00517                                         }
00518                                    }
00519                                    else
00520                                    {
00521                                         --m_SelStart;
00522                                    }
00523                                    m_SelLength = 0;
00524                               }
00525                               break;
00526                          case SDLK_RIGHT:
00527                               if (m_SelStart <= sBuffer.length())
00528                               {
00529                                    if (pKeyboardMessage->Modifiers & KMOD_SHIFT)
00530                                    {
00531                                         if (pKeyboardMessage->Modifiers & KMOD_CTRL)
00532                                         {
00533                                              std::wstring::size_type pos = sBuffer.find(L" ", m_SelStart + m_SelLength);
00534                                              if (pos != std::string::npos)
00535                                              {
00536                                                   m_SelLength = stdex::safe_static_cast<int>(pos) - stdex::safe_static_cast<int>(m_SelStart) + 1;
00537                                              }
00538                                              else
00539                                              {
00540                                                   m_SelLength = stdex::safe_static_cast<int>(sBuffer.length()) - stdex::safe_static_cast<int>(m_SelStart);
00541                                              }
00542                                         }
00543                                         else if (m_SelStart + m_SelLength < sBuffer.length())
00544                                         {
00545                                              m_SelLength++; //Selecting, one character at a time, increase the selection length by one.
00546                                         }
00547                                    }
00548                                    else if(m_SelLength == 0 && m_SelStart < sBuffer.length())
00549                                    {
00550                                         //With the ctrl modifier used, we look for the next instance of a space.
00551                                         // If we find one, we set the cursor position to that location.
00552                                         // If we can't find one, we set the cursor position to the end of the string.
00553                                         // If we don't have the ctrl modifier, then we just incriment the cursor position by one character
00554                                         if (pKeyboardMessage->Modifiers & KMOD_CTRL)
00555                                         {
00556                                              std::wstring::size_type pos = sBuffer.find(L" ", m_SelStart + 1);
00557                                              if (pos != std::string::npos)
00558                                              {
00559                                                   m_SelStart = pos + 1;
00560                                              }
00561                                              else
00562                                              {
00563                                                   m_SelStart = sBuffer.length();
00564                                              }
00565                                         }
00566                                         else
00567                                         {
00568                                              ++m_SelStart; //We don't have anything selected, so we'll just incriment the start position
00569                                         }
00570                                    }
00571                                    else
00572                                    {
00573                                         if (m_SelLength > 0)
00574                                         {
00575                                              m_SelStart = m_SelStart + m_SelLength; //Reset cursor position to the end of the selection
00576                                         }
00577                                         m_SelLength = 0; //Set selection length to zero
00578                                    }
00579                               }
00580                               break;
00581                          case SDLK_END:
00582                               if (pKeyboardMessage->Modifiers & KMOD_SHIFT)
00583                               {
00584                                    m_SelLength = stdex::safe_static_cast<int>(sBuffer.length()) - stdex::safe_static_cast<int>(m_SelStart);
00585                               }
00586                               else
00587                               {
00588                                    m_SelLength = 0;
00589                                    m_SelStart = sBuffer.length();
00590                               }
00591                               break;
00592                          case SDLK_HOME:
00593                               if (pKeyboardMessage->Modifiers & KMOD_SHIFT)
00594                               {
00595                                    m_SelLength = stdex::safe_static_cast<int>(m_SelStart);
00596                                    m_SelStart = 0;
00597                               }
00598                               else
00599                               {
00600                                    m_SelLength = 0;
00601                                    m_SelStart = 0;
00602                               }
00603                               break;
00604                          default:
00605                               if (pKeyboardMessage->Unicode)
00606                               {
00607                                    SelDelete(&sBuffer);
00608                                    sBuffer.insert(m_SelStart++, 1, stdex::safe_static_cast<wchar_t>(pKeyboardMessage->Unicode));
00609                               }
00610                               break;
00611                          }
00613                          if (m_sWindowText != sBuffer)
00614                          {
00615                               CMessageServer::Instance().QueueMessage(new TStringMessage(CMessage::CTRL_VALUECHANGE, m_pParentWindow, this, sBuffer));
00616                          }
00617                          m_sWindowText = sBuffer;
00618                          CWindow::SetWindowText(sBuffer);
00620                          std::auto_ptr<CRenderedString> pRenderedString(new CRenderedString(
00621                               m_pFontEngine, sBuffer, CRenderedString::VALIGN_NORMAL, CRenderedString::HALIGN_LEFT));
00623                          m_pRenderedString = pRenderedString;
00624                          m_bDrawCursor = true;
00625                          Draw();
00626                     }
00627                     break;
00628                }
00629           default :
00630                bHandled = CWindow::HandleMessage(pMessage);
00631                break;
00632           }
00633      }
00635      return bHandled;
00636 }
00639 void CEditBox::SelDelete(std::wstring* psString)
00640 {
00641      //This means we've selected something, therefore, should replace it
00642      if (m_SelLength != 0)
00643      {
00644           std::wstring::size_type SelStartNorm = 0;
00645           std::wstring::size_type SelLenNorm = 0;
00646           if (m_SelLength < 0)
00647           {
00648                SelStartNorm   = m_SelLength + m_SelStart;
00649                SelLenNorm = abs(m_SelLength);
00650           }
00651           else
00652           {
00653                SelStartNorm   = m_SelStart;
00654                SelLenNorm = m_SelLength;
00655           }
00657           psString->erase(SelStartNorm, SelLenNorm);
00658           //Since we're deleting the stuff here and setting the selection length to zero, we also need to set the selection start properly
00659           m_SelStart = SelStartNorm;
00660           m_SelLength = 0;
00661      }
00662 }
00664 }

Generated on Wed May 16 23:11:25 2007 for wGui by  doxygen 1.5.1